1000 Grease Rome

Feb 22, 2017, 12:04 PM
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  • Rome


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  4. EthanWilliam | Aug 25, 2023
    Without a doubt, Rome. For the majority of its history, Greece didn't even have a single government; rather, what we now refer to as "Ancient Greece" was a confederation of city-states. 
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  5. Emma Avaa | Nov 22, 2022
    Rome, without a doubt. Greece didn't even have a single government for most of ancient history; instead, what we now refer to as "Ancient Greece" was actually a collection of city-states. Similar to the advantages of <a href="https://theliquidfrog.com/im-single-injections-cocktails/">B-12 Injections/Vitamin injections</a>,  Greece did not possess a substantial quantity of "hard power," with the exception of Alexander the Great's brief kingdom, which stretched from Greece through Egypt and then onto India.
  6. Sarah Halim | Nov 22, 2022
    Rome launched a war on Macedonia. Macedonia was beaten twice: once at the Battle of Cynoscephalae in 197 BC and again in 168 BC. The conquest of Greece by Rome continued. in consonance with professional translation services The Greeks were finally beaten at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC.
  7. Ella_Elizabeth | Nov 21, 2022
    Macedonia was declared at war by Rome. Macedonia was defeated at the Battle of Cynoscephalae in 197 BC, and again at the Battle of Pydna in 168 BC. According to responsible ai benefits  Rome's conquest of Greece continued. In 146 BC, the Greeks were finally defeated at the Battle of Corinth.

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